Saturday, 12 October 2013

Creative Entrepreneurs and why I coach them/us!

Why I choose to work with Creative Entrepreneurs.

Skilful coaching requires the Coach to be able to Coach 'beyond content' as exampled by Timothy Gallwey in his book "The Inner Game OF Tennis". Here he sites the example of successfully using Skiing coaches at a Tennis camp because they knew nothing of tennis. The coaches were able to concentrate on coaching rather than getting bogged down by the intricacies of tennis.

Having said this, one of the key tenets of coaching is to be able to establish trust and intimacy with the client. We tend to gravitate towards people with whom we have things in common and in my case, it's creative entrepreneurs. Typical of me, I don't choose the easy route as outlined in this article on creative entrepreneurs, but it does go some way to explaining who we are and why we are like we are, and in my mind, why we need Coaches who understand us!

If you are a creative entrepreneur, you really need to click on this link below!

 Picture: Thinkstock Source:

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Is poor communication costing you money, time, enery, endless frustration and stress?

Poor communication is most commonly caused by our inability to LISTEN. 

Listening is a learned skill, we all think we have it, but very few do. True listening is listening with focus and undivided attention, reading facial and body language, and at its deepest level, listening with intuition.

Listening attentively is one of the quickest ways of forging a bond between yourself  and another person. I hear you! I value you!

To listen well you have to put your life on pause and listen, REALLY listen.

Improving our listening skills and those of our colleagues will enhance our and their effectiveness, reduce frustration, improve feedback, save time, money and energy. Poor communication whether one-to-one with colleagues or clients, or within a group or organization is most commonly caused by poor listening skills and is expensive, time consuming, a source of endless frustration and stress. 

Listening occurs on 3 different levels
  • First level listening where we listen but tend to be distracted by something else or by our inner voice.
  • Second level listening where we actually pay deep attention to what is being said.
  • Third level listening where we start to listen intuitively and take into account visual signals of communication.
Listening Skills Workshop

Most of us listen on level 1 and occasionally level 2. This Listening Skills workshop is designed to develop your ability to listen on all 3 levels, to listen deeply and with understanding. Once achieved this gives rise to quality feedback and the ability to check if you have been heard.

For more information on organizing a Listening Skills Workshop for you and your colleagues contact me at

I look forward to HEARING from you!