Thursday, 19 September 2013

Coaching a 'Creative' Entrepreneur to an alternative and empowering view of Sales

Recommendation by Rose McClement
"James has been my coach, largely business coach, since April 2012. What appealed to me initially was that unlike business coaching I experienced in 2011, James set out to open up the way coaching works and what the purpose of coaching, was right from the get go.

He has assisted me in resolving issues which were keeping me ' stuck' and eased me forward at a pace that I could cope with. He understood that being a ' visual' person, I could better relate to scenarios played out in pictorial scenes. I have experienced so many Ah-Ha moments when suddenly I knew that my perceptions had shifted and I was able to move forward out of a misty zone.

He has assisted me in gaining clarity and focus, while coming to understand myself and the way I operate as well.

Along the way, he has been my accountability partner. During all of this process and journey, I am constantly being empowered towards a place of strength and understanding, boosting my self confidence to levels unknown to me.

A recent major shift that James was able to facilitate, was bringing me to a new found perspective of sales. He has enabled me to review my resources, my personal toolbox and go about the business of approaching new clients in a way that works well for me. I stand amazed at this. Namely because - it is so unlike the previous business coaching where I knew that as a round peg, I was being pushed into a square hole.

James just gets me. I would recommend his business coaching service at any time."

Service Category: Career Coach
Year first hired: 2012 (hired more than once)
Top Qualities: Personable, On Time, High Integrity

1 comment:

  1. Interesting Article. Hoping that you will continue posting an article having a useful information. Long Term Business Strategy
