Friday 30 August 2013

Happy Client

I'm British and therefore somewhat reserved, but a recently received testimonial from a "Happy Client" so beautifully illustrates the power of coaching, the process and one persons results from coaching. It also tells you a little about me as a coach. So with her permission I am going to share excerpts of her testimonial with you.

"James and I go back a long way and I have always trusted his jud...gement and valued his friendship. When James gently mentioned to me one day that I could benefit from coaching I was rather dismissive. Having seen therapists in various “crisis” situations, shared my feelings too often with, I really did not think coaching was for me. I have been a manger for many years – what could coaching do that I couldn’t do myself? Just make a decision and follow the path of action to achieve the result. James explained more about coaching to me and I decided to give coaching a try."

Thursday 29 August 2013

Begin Anywhere. (John Cage.)

So I start with a tribute to my friend and colleague Kathy, thank you for throwing down the gauntlet!