FREE "DIY" Life Assessment

Find out how TOTALLY AWESOME (or NOT!) your life is by taking this 
FREE Life Assessment Questionnaire

By completing the following questionnaire you can easily and quickly assess how AWESOME the successful areas of your life are, and which areas of your life could benefit from some attention giving you a TOTALLY AWESOME LIFE. 

By focussing a little of your precious time and energies in setting some goals for these NOT-SO-AWESOME areas, and by taking action to achieve these goals, you will attain a more rounded, happy and fulfilled life - a TOTALLY AWESOME LIFE!

1. Using a scale of 1 – 10 (10 being “Excellent” & 1 being “Needs work”) rate the following areas of your life:

Significant other / romance
Personal growth
Fun & recreation
Physical environment

2. Which are the 3 most important areas of your life that would best benefit from your attention (in descending order.)

Area 1:

Area 2:

Area 3:

3. What one thing would you like more of in life?

4. Conversely, what one thing would you like less of in life?

5. What 3 things do you most “reluctantly condone” or “put up with” in life?




6. In what ways would your life be different if you no longer had to “reluctantly condoned” these things?

7. In the next six months which dream, goal or aspiration, if realized, would make the biggest difference to your life?

8. We all possess ways in which we “sabotage” ourselves, our ‘gremlins’, our excuses……
Using the list below, underline your “specialties”; if you have others, add them to the list.

Saying YES when I want to say NO
Saying NO when I want to say YES
Pleasing other people first
I need to be right - my way (or the highway)
Being scarce with the truth
Solo operator, not a team player
Condoning reluctantly
Controlling life/people
I’m indecisive
I always try but never quite succeeding
I never enough time
Be perfect – my work is not good enough
Not worthy – I am not good enough
I’m easily de-railed by less important things

9. Name one thing you would like to achieve in your life, but don’t know where to start.

10. If you had a magic wand that enabled you to change one thing in your life, how would you use it?

11. What stresses you out so much that it keeps you awake at night?

12. List 4 of your core values - values that are most important to you and by which you lead your life.





13. What qualities do you think people admire most about you?

14. What do you most like and admire about yourself?  

If you scored a 10 in all sections in Question 1 and answered "NON" or "NOTHING" in Questions 2-11, CONGRATULATIONS! You have a TOTALLY AWESOME LIFE!

If however you completed the questions and possibly discovered some NOT-SO-AWESOME areas of your life, use the "ROAD MAP" below to set yourself some goals for those NOT-SO-AWESOME areas. 

By completing your personal "Road Map" to your new future, you are committing yourself to your more rounded and fulfilled life - a TOTALLY AWESOME LIFE!


The realistic goals I have set for myself are:




My first step for each goal will be:




I will not allow myself to sabotage my goals by:




I will employ the following personal skills (See answers 12-14) to enable me in achieving my goals:




I will seek the following outside resources to assist me in achieving my goals:




I will achieve these goals by (date):




I am creative, resourceful & whole.

Signature:                                                        Date:

Just a ONE more question....... do ANY of the following statements apply to you as you completed your "Road Map"? 

I am stuck and not sure how to proceed.
I find this a little (or a lot!) overwhelming.
I don't know what to do - I need help here.
I am too much of a dreamer to set goals.
I am worried that these goals could become like my New Years Resolutions, full of good intentions but little or no action.
I am scared to commit to making goals for myself.
I am unsure if these are the correct goals for me.
I am not sure that these goals are realistic and achievable by me - perhaps I had better think or dream smaller.
I am scared that I may fail at achieving some or all of my goals.
By failing at some or all of my goals I am just re-affirming to myself that I am 'useless' or 'a failure' .
I do not have time to work on my goals.
I am worried what people will think if they find out I have failed to achieve my goals.
I'm not sure that achieving these goals will make me any happier, more fulfilled in my life.

If they do then you may consider hiring me as your coach to assist you. Either call me on 0044 (0)82 4436 18 or e-mail me at  

Please let me know if this questionnaire was useful to you by posting in the comments section below.

Thank you and best wishes in your happier, more rounded and more fulfilled life to come! 


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